Seeking a healthy boost to kick start your day? Look no further than the bedroom. Adults who make love first thing in the morning apparently not only feel more upbeat for the rest of the day, but also benefit from a stronger immune system.
Research suggests that adults who begin their day this way are healthier and happier than those who simply opt for a cup of tea and some toast before heading out of the door. Not only does it make them less likely to catch a cold or flu, it can also improve the quality of their hair, skin, and nails.
Dr Debby Herbenick, an American research scientist and s*x advice columnist, said: ‘Having $ex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.’ Dr Herbenick, author of the book Because It Feels Good, added: ‘It makes you stronger and more beautiful too: Morning $ex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection. ‘And it releases chemicals that boost levels of oestrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair.’ Other research suggests that the benefits do not end there.
A study at Queens University in Belfast found that having s*x three times a week could halve the risk of heart attack or stroke. Despite the demands of work and a family, adults should still try to find time for lovemaking as soon as they stir.
Jane Greer, an American marital therapist, said: ‘Mornings are the perfect time to indulge in a quickie, because you’ll probably be in a rush, and the heart-pounding adrenaline of spontaneous $ex will intensify the entire experience,’ she says. And women worried their partner will not be willing to participate in an early morning session, may find it surprisingly easy to coax their men into a bout of passion. ‘While he sleeps, the testosterone he’ll use for the upcoming day accumulates,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman, author of 28 Days. ‘From the time he wakes up, he has a three-hour window when he’s brimming with peak levels.
A 2009 study found that having $ex every day improves sperm quality and could boost the chances of getting pregnant. In tests of men with fertility problems, daily ejaculation for a week cut the amount of DNA damage seen in sperm samples. Research from Nottingham University also found that men who kept up a regular $ex life in their 50s were also at lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Here are other benefits of morning s*x:
1. Morning S*x Saves You From Migraines And Headaches As funky as this may sound, $exual reproductive experts have revealed that 50 to 90 percent of married workers who suffer headaches and migraines at work do so mainly not because of the stress of work but rather due to the boring and stale nature of their $ex lives during the mornings. Morning $ex is the best form of releasing such stress as you get to release the best antigens needed to fight a possible strain of stress and headaches.
2. Improves Relaxation Morning s*x releases dopamine and serotonim, the very best brain receptors which increases the levels of happiness. Starting your day with a dose of good vibes gives you positive feelings to tackle whatever fresh hell the next 12 hours might bring.
/ 3. Improves Relationships Wondered the reason(s) why you may have been facing severe problems with your relationships? Well…maybe you could have tried a far more $exual solution to your problem. Morning $ex is one out of the best of ways this can be done.
4. Burns Calories Ever thought of the best enjoyable and rewarding ways of burning the best of fat in the morning without stressing yourself out through the gym? Well, morning s*x is the best of answers.
5. Improves Hair, Skin and Nails. Morning $ex makes you less susceptible to catching a cold or flu and can also improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails. Having morning $ex three times a week lessens the risk of a heart attack or stroke. What are you waiting for?
Research suggests that adults who begin their day this way are healthier and happier than those who simply opt for a cup of tea and some toast before heading out of the door. Not only does it make them less likely to catch a cold or flu, it can also improve the quality of their hair, skin, and nails.
Dr Debby Herbenick, an American research scientist and s*x advice columnist, said: ‘Having $ex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.’ Dr Herbenick, author of the book Because It Feels Good, added: ‘It makes you stronger and more beautiful too: Morning $ex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection. ‘And it releases chemicals that boost levels of oestrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair.’ Other research suggests that the benefits do not end there.
A study at Queens University in Belfast found that having s*x three times a week could halve the risk of heart attack or stroke. Despite the demands of work and a family, adults should still try to find time for lovemaking as soon as they stir.
Jane Greer, an American marital therapist, said: ‘Mornings are the perfect time to indulge in a quickie, because you’ll probably be in a rush, and the heart-pounding adrenaline of spontaneous $ex will intensify the entire experience,’ she says. And women worried their partner will not be willing to participate in an early morning session, may find it surprisingly easy to coax their men into a bout of passion. ‘While he sleeps, the testosterone he’ll use for the upcoming day accumulates,’ says Gabrielle Lichterman, author of 28 Days. ‘From the time he wakes up, he has a three-hour window when he’s brimming with peak levels.
A 2009 study found that having $ex every day improves sperm quality and could boost the chances of getting pregnant. In tests of men with fertility problems, daily ejaculation for a week cut the amount of DNA damage seen in sperm samples. Research from Nottingham University also found that men who kept up a regular $ex life in their 50s were also at lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Here are other benefits of morning s*x:
1. Morning S*x Saves You From Migraines And Headaches As funky as this may sound, $exual reproductive experts have revealed that 50 to 90 percent of married workers who suffer headaches and migraines at work do so mainly not because of the stress of work but rather due to the boring and stale nature of their $ex lives during the mornings. Morning $ex is the best form of releasing such stress as you get to release the best antigens needed to fight a possible strain of stress and headaches.
2. Improves Relaxation Morning s*x releases dopamine and serotonim, the very best brain receptors which increases the levels of happiness. Starting your day with a dose of good vibes gives you positive feelings to tackle whatever fresh hell the next 12 hours might bring.
/ 3. Improves Relationships Wondered the reason(s) why you may have been facing severe problems with your relationships? Well…maybe you could have tried a far more $exual solution to your problem. Morning $ex is one out of the best of ways this can be done.
4. Burns Calories Ever thought of the best enjoyable and rewarding ways of burning the best of fat in the morning without stressing yourself out through the gym? Well, morning s*x is the best of answers.
5. Improves Hair, Skin and Nails. Morning $ex makes you less susceptible to catching a cold or flu and can also improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails. Having morning $ex three times a week lessens the risk of a heart attack or stroke. What are you waiting for?
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