
A wedding nightmare: Ex Girlfriend Turns Wedding Into A WWE Arena

Just imagine: a beautiful white wedding, a church full of guests and happy groom and bride. The priest comes to the part: “if someone knows why these two cannot be joined in marriage speak or keep forever silent…” What happens next is hilarious indeed!

Did not you always feel those words were there just to maintain the ceremony? Did you ever hear anyone object at the wedding? Well, you are about to hear now! Unfortunately for the unfaithful groom his lover came to see the wedding and she did have plenty to say and to do.

She shared everything the unlucky man told her about his bride! According to the cheater he called her names and had not a bit of respect and love for her. The lady did not keep silent; she cried out loud and turned this nice little white wedding into a WWE arena.

While she ran, the bride wanted to know what it is all about and the guests… well, you better watch the video to see what the guests did. It is funny and sad at the same time.

Well, cheating is not a good thing and it has the potential to ruin something as beautiful as a white wedding in the church
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