
Diving pair ‘war’ over bedroom ‘marathon sex session’

A Brazilian synchronised diving team have refused to compete with each other again after one athlete banished her team-mate from a shared bedroom so she could have a “marathon sex session”.

 Ingrid Oliveira, 20, is alleged to have spent the night with canoeist Pedro Goncalves in the Olympic Village room.

South American media reports carried claims the pair enjoyed a “marathon night of sex” which saw Oliveira’s teammate Giovanna Pedroso, 17, kicked out of the room. The pair finished last in the women’s 10-metre synchronised diving.

Pedroso said: “The fight started in training because I wanted to make a jump and she wanted to do another.

“Me and my coach have talked. “It’s good because I will not need to depend on anyone. Then I will be able to improve and evolve more.” Oliveira claimed: “We had a fight and were not talking.

“But at the time of competition we joined because it is a unique moment, [to compete in the] Olympics at home. “We leave differences behind and we talked normally. From today I will not jump synchronised with her.”

Athletes in the Olympic Village have been given some of the 450,000 condoms distributed throughout the tournament by authorities. Goncalves was questioned on the claims that he spent the night with the diver.

He said: “My personal life, I do not speak about.”

Athletes in the Olympic Village have been given some of the 450,000 condoms distributed throughout the tournament by authorities.
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